Welcome to CAMELS-zoomGZ documentation!

CAMELS-zoom(GroupZoom) is a new “hump” of the CAMELS project https://camels.readthedocs.io.

CAMELS-zoomGZ includes a set of 768 zoom-in simulations of massive halos, spanning 28 astrophysical and cosmological parameters in the IllustrisTNG parameter space. Unlike standard CAMELS sets, which sample parameter space using a Latin hypercube or Sobol sequence, CAMELS-zoomGZ uses a novel sampling and emulation method CARPoolGP. More information on CARPoolGP can be found here: https://carpoolgp.readthedocs.io/, and in our manuscript here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.10609


This project is under active development.


See the Simulations section for details about the suite, including the process for Data Access. We include a brief tutorial for interacting with the simulation data in Tutorial.